Thursday, March 5, 2009



this is the 2nd post for today..jarang aku nak menaip lebih drpd 1 post dlm sehari...tu petanda sama ada mood aku sangatlah baik or sangatlah buruk hihihi ok for today it is more to goods because i'm going bak to penang this night after a miserable+bz week..

minggu ni agak mencabar bagi aku..aku kena present case minggu usual kna cari patient+tnya history+wat PE..what make this presentation is more difficult than b4 is I'm not free last weekend SO I don't have much time to prepare for presentation..ALHAMDULILAH for this presentation i do it with we clerk the same case,addy do the history intake part while i take the physical examination part..

on d way back to kelantan i already got sms from addy describing the patient's condition..
this is her description
-provisional diagnosis: metastasize pelvic cancer
- 3x been admitted to HUSM
1ST: fractured right hand
2ND: ovarian tumour
3ND: gluteal and thigh pain

so bermula dari saat itu,hatiku mula tak tenang..hohhoho rasa tak sabar nak balik bilik nak prepare for the presentation..
sampai2 je bilik aku terus buka buku PE for ortho..and trus nak bc hip and knee examination..
bila baca je aku macam "banyaknya..apa ni???" aku dah mula serabut+tensen..tak sangka aku PE for musculo is so hard+so remeh+so banyak..and at that time aku terfikir menyesalnya aku ambik musculo tuk present napalah aku tak present waktu GUT je..past is past..dah tak boleh nak diulang balik..
then,aku try tenangkan diri and be positive..and at the same time benda yang aku fikir sgt2 waktu tu adalah i really3x want to go back home this the next day after class i rush to buy bus ticket to penang...thank god i bought the last seat to penang..hihihi kalau tidak merana la ain sabrina hujung minggu ni hihihi

back to my very 'good' presentation...
for the presentation i try my best to understand the PE from the it is too hard for me as the physical examination were not been taught yet by the doctors before that.. so i try to get help from seniors..alhamdulilah kak syu and kak jazimah banyak membantu walaupun mereka pun sibuk dengan hal masing2..but mostly i learn from video with aina b4 we when to do the PE to the first the patient were not so cooperative but after we give some ole2 she is more cooperative until now..after jotting the result of the PE at last i manage to meet my seniors..and they help me a lot..thanks again to kak syu and kak jazimah.. :-)

and then the day of presentation..
once more i went to meet the patient..
my pbl should have presentation at 2pm but the doctor late for an hour..
sampai2 je doktor yang berkenaan ni(as usual nama doktor terpaksa dirahsiakan..buat yang dah tahu faham2 je la ye..) dia cam mengamuk+in bad mood..
samapi2 je dia cakap "i'm not in the good mood.everybody not doing their work well today. so you better do it well." he said to addy as addy the one who has to present first..and bcoz of that very 'good' mood everything that addy said must be a mistake for him..dia marah2 kat addy like yelling to everyone in the ward..eveything not very good word keluar dari mulut dia..alhamdulilah presenter minggu ni adalah addy yang tidak berperasan hihhihi if others maunya menangis depan tu sendiri terkejut dengan reaksi tak berperasaan addy sampaikan dia cakap "bagus ye awak tak menangis pun walaupun saya marah awak teruk"(he said in english but i don't remeber the words..)
then,my turn tu cam nak uji aku je..dia suruh start wat i do the inspection first..then he ask me to proceed.. for musculo the examination consist of look(inspection),feel, i'm doing hip examination for this patient so i actualy should expose the patient's hip..aku dah mula gabra..i've promise to the patient that i will not expose her private body aku macam me yg teragak-agak+the 'good' mood doctor=??? can guess what happen..
then dia just tolak aku and dia yang buat examination..dia buat neurologic examination that we will learn in 3rd year..of course me a 2nd year student do not know anything about it..ahh macam2 ragam doctor ni..pening kapala..
that's all about my nightmare presentation..

then this week is so busy with meeting and usm kan stand for universiti suka meeting..minggu ni just busy with skspm(insyALLAH tinggal nak follow up sponsor je skrang),then big sib motivation program and lastly usm-unimas program(baru pas meeting ngan TDA petang tadi)..ari tu dah bertekad nak kurangkan program pas balik dari sarawak..hmm takda i'm target to reduce this out-academic program until this april only..hihihi berjaya ke??? kena berjaya jugak la sbb result exam dah 'cantik' sangat dah tu..

ok that's all..aku nak bersiap nak pack2 barang nak balik rumah..hatiku dah sampai kat rumah hanya jasad je yang tertinggal kat gud bye for a while..till we meet again next time..wslm..

ainsabrina mencabar dirinya sendiri.
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