dalam cerita tu hero(mukhriz) is alim type..not alim2 kucing this is the real alim..and he propose the girl(khadijah) in islamic way that make me feel so what to say ye..tapi yang pasti cerita tu betul2 wat aku tersenyum mlm tu..then ada kat salah satu babak cerita tu girl tu mcm mempersoalkn kenapa dia yang mukhriz pilih sedangkan bagi dia mukhriz is too god for her..bila aku bc bnda tu aku terasa dan persoalan di hati timbul..for me this girl is so much better than me and she got someone soleh propose her but still she feel a bit rendah diri and feel not sepadan with the hero..and timbul dlm hati aku "you are not a really solehah type like this girl but in your dream you still want a soleh boy to be your prince charming..don't you think it is not sepadan??"and at the same time i think about this phrase 'perempuan yang baik tercipta buat lelaki yang baik dan juga sebaliknya'that make me feel hard that night..hahha and make me laugh to myself..berangan je cik ain sabrina ni i said to myself..really feel inferior that night..then i do a list what to change to become solehah girl type..it is not really work bcoz the syndrom malas and tak sabar2 nak balik umah dah menghantui diri...hehehehe just want to think right now i want to do the best i can to be that solehah type and juz forget the berangan of dr and ir..fullstop..
this is one of the pic i edit to be my pc screensaver to give me the spirit
i don't upload the to do list to be solehah as it is tooo secret hehhee
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