pagi tadi berlansungnya acara khas buat wanita..and what is more special is there are only girls been allowed to be there,boys are strictly not it is our special days..hihihi
mlm ni ada sambungan hari untukmu wanita kul 8.30 dijemput semua untuk hadir(for girls only!!!)..ini bukan diskriminasi ye....hihihi
so i would like to share a bit about what happen this morning..
pagi ni just ada pertandingan pentomin&nasyid,yang lain akan bersambung malam ni..the occasion starts a bit late so sempat la aku,cek su ngan teha menjenguk ke belakang tengok sahabat2 yang join pentomin nasyid pagi ni..meriah gak kat belakang..sahabat2 ku tengah bersiap..sempatla aku mengambil beberapa picture untuk dikongsi bersama..
...............asma,suha,ida,teha,cek su..................
tengah bincang gapo tu?????
pertandingan pagi ini dimulakan dengan pentomin&nasyid dari kakak2 medic&dental 5th is about seorang mualaf yang masuk islam..i take their picture during nasyid..
then after that turn 1st year medic&dental is a story about teenagers love aka couple..a bit funny their pentomen :-).there also pic of them during nasyid..
then,student from psk 3rd..the pentomin is about friendship of muslim with non-muslim that occur at iraq(if i'm not mistaken the place)..
then the 4th is my batch's turn,2nd year medic+dental student..the pentomin is about friendship of palestian children..about syura and hajar the name of the main character..syura was acted by hazirah aka aji while hajar is acted by iza is the sad story as lastly hajar been killed by israel..below are few pictures of them..
...........semua yang terlibat..........................................
..............the last scene of the pentomin..................
......our nasyid with the solo,yani and the guitarist,zack...............
then it is psk 1st year student but i don't have any pictures of them..forgot actually hihihi
then it is 3rd year medic+dental student..for me this is the best story ever..most of the audience think the same..cerita ia lain daripada yang is about friendship that occur during zaman kesultanan gitu la..more or less cam hang tuah lima bersaudara gitu la..sronok tengok lakonan&gelagat kak wani 3rd year hihihi kak viva tu :-)
.................HANG TUAH VS HANG JEBAT.....................
......................nasyid ala-ala pahlawan........................
then lastly is from 4th year medic+dental student..
kesimpulannya semua best..tak rugi la aku pergi..
so kawan2 jangan lupa ye malam ni ada sambungan hari untukmu wanita..kul 8.30 mlm-10.30 mlm..bertempat di dewan utama..
banyak acara menarik antaranya
-busana muslimah pensyarah vs student(aku dengar2 doktor yang masuk antaranya doctor adibah ngan doktor mazlyn)
-talk bertajuk "permata yang dicari"
-talk dari dr. adibah bertajuk tip untuk kuruskan badan :-)
so ramai2 la kita meriahkan acara malam ni..insyALLAH sama-sama kita mengimarahkan minggu penghayatan islam(mpi) tahun ni..ISLAM UNTUK SEMUA..wslm
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