Sunday, June 21, 2009


hahaha ye saya telah ditag..the same tag by 2 different people..first nadia tagged me then a day after that kema tag me the same it makes my work easier..
here i am cuba menjwb tag nih,sangat mengantuk sebenarnya sbb ada sedara(that are pak tam n family+pak we and mak we-jgn salah faham thEY are my uncle&auntie that been called pak we n mak we) datang umah that makes me tak habis lagi cita gokusen(haha tggal 1 lg episod "fighttto ooo" utk habiskan nye)..ok let's go on with the tag..

1)Beside ur lips,where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
my cheeks..

2)How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
"ahh dah pagi ka.."

3)Who was the last person / people you took photo with?
with my new 'adik' during skspm(byk tul peminat wktu 2 (^_^) )

4)Would u consider urself spoiled?

5. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yes..still in cntact..he don't really know much about me and neither me know much bout him but we always share our thoughts and problems together..

6. Do you want someone to be dead?

7. What does your last text message say ?
from my friend named syakira "geng2 lik lau xkan xda kowt?" this sms regarding senior-junior program at my former school

8. What are you thinking right now ?
nak habiskan tag ni cepat and nak habiskan gokusen malam ni gak.."fightttooo ooo"-dialog yang slalu diucapkan oleh yankumi hoho

9. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
nope..everybody at home-"one happy family at home"

10. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
kul 1 kot..lupa2 ingat..tak main tgk jam dah kalu ngantuk terus tdo..

11. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ? mama yang beli..kna interview dia pasni..tapi aku rasa dia dah lpa dah pn..bju tdo ni sejak aku form 3 lagi..dah berkurun lama..

12. Is someone on your mind right now?

13. Who was the last person who text you ?
siti nur syakira abdul rahim..

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz.

1. nadia azmi
2. liyana ashaari
3. miss lea
4. rizal
5. ain syafiah
6. miriam
7. ain fatihah
8. .........
9. .........
10. ........

14. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
hmm let it be a secret..kecuali kalau tuan punya badan bagi kebenaran hihihi

15. Is no.3 a male or a female?
female..i'm sure female (^_^)

16. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good
good..we were in the same school before..

17. What is no.1 studying about?
sains biology..

18. When was the last time you chatted with them?
soalan sgtlah tak what do i hve to answer..

19. Is no.4 single?
haha i'm not really sure..hari tu ada bau2 nasi rizal:apa2 pn jgn lpa inform org msia ye..

20. Say something about no. 2.
liyana ashaari=kay=angah..we were in the same secondary school medic at mesir..long time no her:love u and miss u kay..cepat balik bru cukup korum nak wat reunion..

21. What do you think about no.3 & no.5 being together?

22. Describe no.9.

23. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
insyALLAH tak bergaduh pnya..takda bnda pn nk digaduhnya..they are senior and junior from the same school...

24. Do you like 8?

25. How about 10?


6 pengomen:

ain fathihah fhm

panjangnyaa tag


hehe salam ain.. hmm ain cuti ke? ade kt umah eh? pakwe makwe dtg umah eh? waa paktam pun ade.. best2 paktam da la jarang jlan2 penang.. btw ape kbr org msia? ain rizal baru dpt tau yg makwan kawen lain.. huhu :(
sedih2 tak de org cite.. ari tu ya ade kate tp tu dah lame.. tup tup dah kawen.. hehe.. tahniah kat mak wan kite.. hepi dah die skang..


aah cti skrang..jap je..mggu dpn dah start klas balik..aah paktam datang umah sbb nak ambik mira dr PLKN..mira pnya plkn dkt ngan umah ain jd singgah tdo bermlm kat umah..skali mari dgn pakwe ngan makwe..
org msia sihat2 ja (^_^)..
hihi baru tahu ye makwan kawin..ala tak best pn gosip terbaru tu hihi makwan kawin express,tak smpat nak hebohkan ramai org pn..tak salah smggu lebih je preparation nye..ain tak balik pn waktu knduri 2..ari tu makwan ngan suami br dia ada wat makan2 ckit..ok la pakwan baru kita 2..hihi makwan nampak makin hepi+baik skrang ni..takpa2 nnti ada gosip2 dr msia ain informkan ye..hihihi k all d best.wslm..


adakah aku kene buat jugak?
aku kureng phm skit tag tag ni.

name tag aku tau a.

-ainghaz :P


ok aku tunaikan jnji lama hihihi sng je..cmni,ko copy je tag tu then jwpan aku ko delete la then isikan jwpn sndiri..ada faham????


follow la..thn ni berazam tak nak menulis sgt..tgk la bjaya atau tak hihi

ainsabrina mencabar dirinya sendiri.
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