sweet 18th..
moga pertambahan umur ni memantangkan lagi dirimu walaupun kak cam tak nak je ayin membesar hahaha anyway,how older you been you still my younger brother hahaha your secrets are still in my hand hahhaha(gelak jahat!!!)
anyway..camna kita membesar pn jangan biarkan perhubungan kakak-adik yang rapat ni menjauh..you know i love u and you can count on me when you have any problem or secret to be share with although i really don't like your "playboy" character..
"udah2 la tu melayan..cuba la setia pada yang satu..pening kepala kak,cik adik oii..."
moga impian ayin nak jadi pakar ekonomi berjaya although ramai yang tak puas hati ayin ambik ekonomi je sedangkan ur result is soo good(ya i'm really jealous with your result)..anyway ur kak ain very tabik hormat with ur decision..di saat orang lain semua berebut nak ambik kos medic+engineer u have ur own ambition..u are much more ambitious than me..i remember ur words "kenapa semua budak straight A's nak ambik medic+engine it just so narrow minded..kak ain dah ambik medic takkan ayin pun nak ikut.."..from that on u try to search for other ambition..at first u want to take sn aktuari, i just believe in u..i know u can do it..and then one day u said u want to be economist and here you are pursuing ur dream no matter what others said..for me to be the chosen one by bank negara that is so so hard to get is the best you have done..tak semestinya ambik ekonomi we are low standard right???u will be economist one day and for sure for me u will be the best economist ever..insyALLAH..
lastly happy birthday ayin!! love u so much..all d best to u..i will be just behind u whenever u need me..
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